Gray vs Grey in CSS. What Is the Right Choice?


By Marilena

1 min read
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Gray VS grey? Is there a right choice between these two? It is well known that both gray and grey in CSS are considered equivalent with no impact on functionality. We can use either of them without any issues. In the context of web development and CSS, they are both recognized and accepted. CSS specifications and web browsers accommodate both equally.

– Why 🤔 do web designers and programmers use both gray and grey in CSS?

– Because they wanted to add a little color to the spelling debate! 😂😂

Below we can see an example of two elements. We set gray for the first element while the second element has grey:

/* Using "gray" (American English) */
.first-element {
  color: gray;

/* Using "grey" (British English) */
.second-element {
  color: grey;

Both examples are correct, and your CSS should be functional. The “first-element” and “second-element” pair will share the same color, as CSS treats gray and grey interchangeably.

It turns out that the choice between gray and grey in CSS is primarily a matter of personal preference and doesn’t affect how web browsers interpret your code. You are free to use either.

Similarly, there are other color names with variations in spelling that are recognized by most modern browsers, for example, “lightgray” and “lightgrey” or “darkgray” and “darkgrey” are all valid. 😃

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