About us

Welcome to No Ghosts Inside!

Our blog is dedicated to bringing clarity to the complex world of web development. Here, we believe in demystifying the challenging concepts and uncovering the hidden intricacies that often baffle developers. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, our mission is to ensure that no question goes unanswered and no topic remains obscure.

Join us as we explore the depths of web development, shedding light on best practices, new technologies, and innovative solutions. At No Ghosts Inside, we’re all about making web development clear and accessible for everyone, leaving no ghosts hiding in the world of coding!

Now, let’s introduce you to the brilliant minds behind No Ghosts Inside:



Born and raised in a small village, I always desired to discover what was beyond there. I wandered quite a bit until I reached the coding world and realized it was something that filled me so much.

So here I am. Keep learning and sharing my knowledge, hoping this unique travel never ends. Enjoy this ride with me!

I love cooking, gardening 🌼 and traveling, always with my notebook 👩‍💻 in my luggage.

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I have been swimming in the Javascript world since 2018. Although I started as a frontend developer, I was quickly fascinated by the full stack, so you could say I am a full-stack developer with frontend orientation who is excited about the backend… I know… 🤭

Although I love learning new stuff and believe I will learn forever, I am also excited to share what I discover in my journey.

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